Just a quick note to wax poetic about Clematis tibetana var. vernayi, Zones 5 – 9. She’s a beauty. And quite vigorous.

Oh sure, way back when, Ms. Danger told it would outgrow it’s space. And like always upon hearing those words, I thought, Pshaw.
Of course, it will have to move: it’s blocking the darn pathway. Not to be daunted, I’d still plant it again–in a heartbeat.

The finale seed heads aren’t bad either. In fact, might need to run out and pick a little bouquet. (I know the kitties would love them. Grrrrrr.)

How about you? Do you have plants like that–too big and unruly for their britches–but you still can’t live without? I need to know, because I might want to try those too.
I love a challenge.