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Plants: Articles from The Editorial Side

What can we say? We are here because we love plants. You’re probably here because you love plants. We talk a lot about the plants we love, covet, admire, have watched grow happily in our gardens, tried and failed, the ups and downs of tending our own gardens and visiting others. It’s a happy place here, join us.

Winter Greenery

Winter Greenery

Winter doesn't have to be a barren time. With some planning you can create an appearance of lushness in the garden with an abundance of winter greenery to enjoy outdoors and indoors.   Well-behaved Ivy and relatives People get a bit nervous about planting...

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13 plants for a Goth Garden

13 plants for a Goth Garden

From bats to spiders to ghosts, read on as we shine a light on our top 13 strange and dark plant selections for goth gardens. And to be honest, most of these plants are less Miss Havisham's macabre garden and more sophisticated plant collector, in case that's not your...

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Making Mums Cool

Making Mums Cool

I’ve long had mixed feelings about mums that suddenly pop up at grocery stores in the Fall, looking like outsize flower mushrooms. I’ve tried not to be a stick-in-the-mud, but they're just so loud and unnatural looking. However, a few years ago I happened upon some...

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