Every year toward end of summer--when it's hot and uninspiring in the garden--I think, but fall is coming. I imagine being outside enjoying the lovely light, getting to those projects I put off for cooler weather, maybe sitting in the lounge chairs that've gone unused...
Gardens: Articles from The Editorial Side
We happen upon gardening inspiration all the time–an exciting new plant combo spotted on an apartment balcony here, a master gardener’s open garden tour there. We love to share the latest sights that have us seeing new plants and old plants in new ways.
Editing Season in the Garden
It's that time of year when imprudent planting decision make themselves known. Labor Day already, can you believe it? At any rate, I'm editing heck out of the garden. Noting where plants have flopped, too little sun. Or plants are fried, too much sun. Also looking at...
Plants on the Rise
Hello out there. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying your gardens. I've been busy dragging my heels on gardening posts, because, well, you know. Covid-19 has everything all out of whack. In good news department, mail order biz for plants has been hopping. If...
Magnolia maudiea aka Smiling Monkey Forest Tree
Discovered this little Magnolia maudiae blooming its heart out in the garden this weekend. What a surprise. My pictures from last year show the bloom date as March 31. Holy Smokes and climate change, but it's a beauty, no?...
Ferns: got a thing going on
Is it me, or we all falling back in love with ferns. Maybe I'm late to the party. But so many groovy fronds out there. With some 424 ferns on plantlust, it's hard to pick a favorite. I like them all. Who is with me? Our Sebright Nursery Inventory is freshly updated...
Happy Thanksgiving Gardeners
Rumor has we're in for a cold patch in the Pacific Northwest, and so many are already experiencing the vagaries of weather. Here's hoping we all get through relatively unscathed--with gobs of green goodness on the other side. A few shots in my garden before it all...
A Spooky All Hallows Eve to You
Eat all the candy you want. Someone told me calories are free on holidays. When gathering fruit from under the Hardy Orange, always stand up very slowly. I threatened to take this tree out earlier in the year, and it has performed...
Plants to Tuck In, Well…
A never fail line my daughter uses on me, "It's so handy to tuck in." It doesn't matter if it's a tiny Bolax gummifera or a Stewartia chinensis, I fall for it every time. The good news, I've never been sorry. Megan is right: so many plants are handy for tucking in....
plant lust list: Lobelia tupa aka Devil’s Tobacco
Talk about a stunner, Lobelia tupa rises to the occasion. I received this plant in the mail from Secret Garden Growers. It came in a 4" pot. Aren't plants a marvel. Look at this tiny plant. Why I never! Lobelia tupa grew vigorously into its second season. I was...
Denver Garden Bloggers’ Fling 2019: reflections
I can explain. Two Portland garden bloggers talked me into attending the gbfling2019. That's what those in the know call it. I'm looking at you Danger and Just a Girl. I will be the first to admit, I'm not a terrific traveler. I like home. But this duo urged me on...