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The Oregon Garden, a finale

The Oregon Garden, a finale

I would be remiss to write about The Oregon Garden and not include photos from the Conifer Garden, after-all many people go there just to see the conifer collection. I’d like to think my ability to admire the conifers is an indication of my maturing as a gardener, rather than dismissing them all as boring (I grew up surrounded by a forest of Ponderosa Pine, and still haven’t completely recovered) I can finally appreciate their unique beauty.


Garden gawking

Garden gawking

Here’s an excellent little garden I spotted while taking the long way round to find parking in Los Angeles.  Of course the ginormous Agaves caused me to pause, but once I did the rustic split rail fence had me taking a closer look.


It’s getting kinda ferny around here…

It’s getting kinda ferny around here…

The pot ghetto, we all have one right? This is the time of year mine starts to grow. From now until mid-April I’ll be accumulating, but not actually planting. The photo above shows what it currently looks like, well, what the shady/protected ghetto looks like – there’s another in a more open, sunny part of the garden.


Witch-hazels are weird

Witch-hazels are weird

Think back to the first time you saw a Hamamelis (witch-hazel) in bloom. Did you think “wow, that’s beautiful!” or were your thoughts more along the lines of “what’s that freaky thing?” Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but they are rather bizarre, like colorful crinkled up ribbons tied on bare branches.  (more…)

Childhood inspiration — sometimes you can go back

Childhood inspiration — sometimes you can go back

I always love hearing how, and when, someone caught the gardening-bug. In my case it was destined to be — it wasn’t anything I decided to do — gardening was just something you did, that everyone did. My grandfather grew a remarkable vegetable garden, wait — make that fruit and vegetable garden. He had the best raspberries in town and we snacked on sugar snap peas by the bagful. Both of my parents garden, although with regimented roles of dad as the lawn and veggie guy, mom as the tender of the “flowers” (even if it doesn’t bloom the ornamentals are referred to as “flowers”).

I don’t have strong memories of visiting nurseries when I was  kid, but I do remember stops at Northwest Seed & Pet. It’s a locally-owned business in Spokane, WA, opened 1944. As a kid what could be better? Your parents can get the boring stuff taken care of and you get to look at animals! Well, that was then. (more…)

Festive in the Pearl District

Festive in the Pearl District

I tend to avoid the mall this time of year, too much of all that is annoying. If I have to shop a non-nursery situation I tend to head to one of our neighborhood shopping districts, there the shops are mostly locally owned and in between the stores I can still step outside and get some fresh air. Recently I headed to the “Pearl” an area slightly north of downtown Portland proper. Standing on a corner, waiting to cross, I had a moment to appreciate the understated plantings up above me… (more…)