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yucca: Articles from The Editorial Side

Big, Bold, Statement Plants

Big, Bold, Statement Plants

I'm starting to think every front garden needs one. Mine sure does. A big old, stop-the-car, would-you-look-at-that, jaw dropping, statement plant. The kind you make sure to drive by when you're in the neighborhood, like an old friend. Exhibit A The Agave salmiana...

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Crevice gardens, I’m still obsessed

Crevice gardens, I’m still obsessed

I first stumbled upon the concept of a crevice garden in 2011 when I visited John Kuzma's garden in SW Portland. Back then I wasn't exactly sure what I was even looking at, I did however recognize that style of planting was beneficial for drainage-loving plants, like...

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The Plants of Union Way

The Plants of Union Way

Have you noticed a trend of stylish shops with stylish plants on display? I'm seeing a lot of good plants in new places, and I like it. My stepfather was stationed in Germany when he was in the military, and always remembers coming across a sign which read "Grün ist...

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Tiny Garden

Tiny Garden

Happy September! This is my absolute favorite month. All the big leaved plants are peaking. Trees and shrubs start pushing new growth. The weather gets more cooperative for digging, moving, planting. And we're bathed in golden diffused sunlight at the end of each day....

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Is pruning the new planting?

Is pruning the new planting?

Just in from a day of working in the garden (you know: “working”) and I got to wondering, is pruning the new planting? Nothing will ever compare to the thrill of an open expanse of soil and corresponding trip to the nursery, but there’s a joy to be had in having...

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Other people’s plants

Other people’s plants

There is a folder on my computer, that holds my hopes and dreams. This folder is called Other People's Plants. Is there any plant you want more than the one you can't have? There are far too many reasons you can't have a plant, but my favorite is the...

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Right Garden, Right Place

Right Garden, Right Place

A recent neighborhood walk led me to this fabulous garden in the making. I love it when a garden matches its building. It's an excellent sign of things to come that the garden looks this good during the winter while the plants are young. This is going to be a year...

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