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gossler farms: Articles from The Editorial Side

Witch-hazels are weird

Witch-hazels are weird

Think back to the first time you saw a Hamamelis (witch-hazel) in bloom. Did you think "wow, that's beautiful!" or were your thoughts more along the lines of "what's that freaky thing?" Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they are rather bizarre, like colorful...

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Fall foliage wish list

Fall foliage wish list

Oh, October. So dreamy, with the leaves all ablaze. And over much too quickly. If there's one month where I'd like to press pause and enjoy it a little longer, it's October. Second best to being able to freeze time is planting more of this stuff at home, so there's...

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Gossler Farms Nursery, in person

Gossler Farms Nursery, in person

Writing for two blogs (this one and my personal blog, danger garden) it's sometimes hard to decide where to post certain stories. In early September I had the pleasure of visiting Gossler Farms Nursery and accordingly took a gazillion photos. When I finally started...

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Garden Obsession: Big Leaves

Garden Obsession: Big Leaves

Every garden needs some big-ass leaves. Who couldn't use a little big-leaf eye candy to kick off the short work week? Tetrapanax 'Steroidal Giant' is kicking off the parade up top. The Plume Poppies are really bringing it this year. A Rodgersia podophylla at a garden...

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