cistus nursery: Articles from The Editorial Side

Ferns: got a thing going on

Ferns: got a thing going on

Is it me, or we all falling back in love with ferns. Maybe I'm late to the party. But so many groovy fronds out there. With some 424 ferns on plantlust, it's hard to pick a favorite. I like them all. Who is with me? Our Sebright Nursery Inventory is freshly updated...

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Who Needs a Tree?

Who Needs a Tree?

Recently Evan Bean aka the Practical Plant Geek solicited tree suggestions on the PNW Plant Geeks Facebook page. I love this game, and it seems I'm in good company. He might as well have shot a starter pistol. Tree ideas: Go! Evan is in search of a small tree, 20-30...

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bon voyage, Loree

bon voyage, Loree

We want to wish our cohort Loree all the best as she sets sail for new shores. It's been a grand adventure working with her, and we're thrilled with everything we've accomplished together. With Loree's help, we built from just an idea, to a robust online catalog of...

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How many colors do you count?

How many colors do you count?

I thought I'd let a couple of our nurseries describe the varied colors of this fabulous plant, after all they say it much better than I could: "This ever-colorful evergreen's leaves keep growing in yellow-orange-red-green marbled patterns..." - Cistus Nursery "New...

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