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Out and about with a friend one day she asked if I’d mind stopping to pick up a pair of boots she had repaired, “of course not!”…and that’s how I discovered JD’s Shoe Repair.

Up until then I’d taken shoes (and handbags) in need of a little TLC to a place in the soul-sucking mall. Not anymore! The charm of JD’s won me over, as well as the fact they do fabulous work.
JD's a

I love it when a small business cares enough about the neighborhood to spruce up the sidewalk with groovy plants and planters, how cool is that?
JD's b

It’s a pity I stopped when the shop was closed or I’d have taken you inside to see the plants and other curiosities there.
JD's c

So what about you, are there businesses you support — maybe going out of your way to get there — because they’ve got plants where you wouldn’t expect to see them? Or maybe fabulous gardens that you like to wander through?
JD's d