Why yes, there is more. Tons more. And we didn’t even make through all the gardens. It reminds of when my Art History teacher recounted living in Paris. It got to a point, he said, where he’d think, Ho Hum, another wondrous cathedral, and then waltz past with a baguette slung across his shoulder. “It was like trying to eat a whole cheesecake.”
Yep. Huntington’s Desert Garden is wondrous–but I wouldn’t want to try and eat it in one sitting.

That trunk is groovy.

And this lovely scenario.

I can’t remember if I saw the individual plants first, or the field of Puyas. Overwhelming I tell you.

My husband found a fellow photographer with his same lens. Excitement ensued.

The blooms are something.

Nestled next to more fantastical plants.

Here’s Bill, getting back to plant stalking–camera at the ready.

And look at this crazy thing. The sign says “Cereus horribarbus” the internets says it’s actually Cereus hildmannianus subsp. uruguayanus ‘Monstrosus’.

I don’t see Joshua Trees often enough to know for sure about the one above.

It looks Yucca-ish to me as well.

When I look at this plant, I think Fraggle Rock, which I later realized I’d co-opted from one of Megan’s early posts at Nestmaker. Still apt though, don’t you think?
I can’t remember if this is the same tree from a different angle, or an entirely different tree. This one is clearly marked Beaucarnea recurvata.

Well, clearly marked if you stand on one foot, lean sideways, and have good eyesight.

I’ll let you go now. I’ve been dying to read other blog posts on Huntington Gardens, but I’ve been holding off to avoid plagiarizing–the Fraggle’s quip notwithstanding.

Au revoir