Just a quick romp through the fabulous Cistus Nursery on Sauvie Island. We are so lucky in the Pacific Northwest; fabulous nurseries abound. And on a personal note, it was our wedding anniversary, so my husband, Bill, was indulging me. I’m telling you, this dude is a good one.

The bloom atop springs from this plant. Crazy, no?

I like Agaves, but dear lord, so many stab wounds.

This Mediopicta Agave sends my heart soaring. It isn’t hardy in Portland, and I’ve killed it before. So I took a pass. But really, this one might be worth the risk.

Every once in a while, I remembered to look up. Swoon-worthy, no?
Not everything would poke out your eye.

I think I have the Nerium, but I’m afraid to look. It probably needed more water than I gave it to start.

Enough said.

This Opuntia was just hanging out in the garden. The flowers on these seem impossible too. Aren’t they great?

Nice fat guys, a good 6″ across.

I never saw a sempervivum I didn’t love. I meant to go back and pick up these two; alas, I got distracted. Next time.

Every time I see a little rock stacking like this, I mean to copy. But have I? Noooooo.

I have been warned and warned about Matilija Poppy. In my defense, I was born on the Ides of March.

Unheeded warnings are my speciality.