Talk about a stunner, Lobelia tupa rises to the occasion. I received this plant in the mail from Secret Garden Growers. It came in a 4″ pot. Aren’t plants a marvel.
Look at this tiny plant. Why I never!

Lobelia tupa grew vigorously into its second season. I was happy with it just for the foliage.

And then it bloomed and bloomed. Fun stuff.

I’m going to need to relocate that poor Paeonia ‘Chinese Dragon’ under its reach. The peony came via mail too, from Gossler Farms.

I should show you what it looks like in bloom. Peonies: swoon, right?

Once I understood the effort and expense of shipping plants, I stopped thinking nurseries charge too much. Herculean efforts to ship plants, and that’s after they’ve gone to all the trouble of growing them. It’s pretty exciting to see a robust plant spring out of the box.

And hummingbirds love it. No time for a carefully composed picture when this little guy landed.

Lobelia tupa aka Devil’s Tobacco–a good one for the plant lust list. You’ll like it, and the hummingbirds will thank you.