A Most Happy New Year to You – 2021
Plenty of garden goodness out there still, at least around the Pacific Northwest. Here are a few shots from my Concordia Neighborhood walkabouts.
We are grateful for our fabulous contributing nurseries, and for you, our tribe of fellow nerds. Keep on planting.
Every year toward end of summer–when it’s hot and uninspiring in the garden–I think, but fall is coming. I imagine being outside enjoying the lovely light, getting to those projects I put off for cooler weather, maybe sitting in the lounge chairs that’ve gone unused all season.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, frost on the roof and no reindeer near. Early on, several days running, frost! Oh, I know it’s nothing to some of you tougher gardeners in more severe climate, but I’m no monument to justice. This is Portland. In ain’t supposed to be this cold this soon. Scrambling to protect tender plants ensued.
It’s that time of year when imprudent planting decision make themselves known. Labor Day already, can you believe it? At any rate, I’m editing heck out of the garden. Noting where plants have flopped, too little sun. Or plants are fried, too much sun. Also looking at the water sprouts on the apple tree, which seem to get away from us no matter what. The upright branches radically changed the amount of sun getting through to the Hot Bed. Thusly, I ordered a lightweight pole pruner; it seems manageable without me become a menace. Water sprouts beware. (more…)
Hello out there. Hope you’re all doing well and enjoying your gardens. I’ve been busy dragging my heels on gardening posts, because, well, you know. Covid-19 has everything all out of whack. In good news department, mail order biz for plants has been hopping. If you’ve been on the hunt for your latest heartthrob, you’ve no doubt discovered that many nurseries have sold out of precious wares. They’ve been working day and night to make it happen, and how we appreciate their herculean efforts. (more…)
Oh sure, Tetrapanax papyrifer ‘Steroidal Giant’ may be eating the neighborhood. But it’s got it going on with the quiet explosions.
Take care, have fun, and don’t leave home without your mask, please.
Discovered this little Magnolia maudiae blooming its heart out in the garden this weekend. What a surprise. My pictures from last year show the bloom date as March 31.
Is it me, or we all falling back in love with ferns. Maybe I’m late to the party. But so many groovy fronds out there. With some 424 ferns on plantlust, it’s hard to pick a favorite. I like them all. Who is with me? Our Sebright Nursery Inventory is freshly updated with lots of new fern options–and loads of luscious hostas too.
Happy Valentine’s Day (more…)