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a plant to consider: Lysimachia paridiformis var. stenophylla

a plant to consider: Lysimachia paridiformis var. stenophylla

A friend recently asked about this plant in my garden, and I couldn’t think of the name. But can you blame me? How am I supposed to keep track of all these things I buy and plant willy nilly. I figure it’s better than letting them go distressed as I wring my hands worrying about the perfect site. Am I alone on this front? Or is just this part of that ten thousand count–wherein gardeners buy and have no idea where they’re going to plant? I strive to be better. But I am not.


plant shopping season

plant shopping season

I swore I wasn’t going to buy any new plants before I had my garden weeded, composted, and rearranged. Hahahaha. Turns out that wasn’t true, and it never has been. Bloggers from our area were recently invited to Little Prince of Oregon for a shopping spree. All bets and all budgets were off.  (more…)

Apparently NOT Spring

Apparently NOT Spring

The weather gods must be having a good laugh. Some gardeners in the Pacific Northwest got a little ahead of themselves, imagining it was already spring. Guilty. I came darn close to digging and dividing a few plants. Let’s hear it for procrastination. (more…)