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Just a quick romp through the fabulous Cistus Nursery on Sauvie Island. We are so lucky in the Pacific Northwest; fabulous nurseries abound. And on a personal note, it was our wedding anniversary, so my husband, Bill, was indulging me. I’m telling you, this dude is a good one.


Yucca rostrata

The bloom atop springs from this plant. Crazy, no?

Yucca rostrata ‘Saphire Skies’ plus bloom! See.


Agave NoID, but I bet Danger knows.

I like Agaves, but dear lord, so many stab wounds.

Agave american ‘Mediopicta Alba’ – dwarf

This Mediopicta Agave sends my heart soaring. It isn’t hardy in Portland, and I’ve killed it before. So I took a pass. But really, this one might be worth the risk.

Bamboo against blue sky.

Every once in a while, I remembered to look up. Swoon-worthy, no?

Not everything would poke out your eye.

Nerium oleander ‘Hardy Pink’

I think I have the Nerium, but I’m afraid to look. It probably needed more water than I gave it to start.

Colocasia ‘Black Saphire Gecko’ ppf

Enough said.

Opuntia NoID

This Opuntia was just hanging out in the garden. The flowers on these seem impossible too. Aren’t they great?

Sempervivum ‘Carmen’

Nice fat guys, a good 6″ across.

Sempervivum ‘Ruby Heart’

I never saw a sempervivum I didn’t love. I meant to go back and pick up these two; alas, I got distracted. Next time.

Stacked stones.

Every time I see a little rock stacking like this, I mean to copy. But have I? Noooooo.

Romneya coulteri aka Matilija Poppy

I have been warned and warned about Matilija Poppy. In my defense, I was born on the Ides of March.

Romneya coulteri

Unheeded warnings are my speciality.
