
Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer'

Also Known As

  • Reginald Farrer Daphne

Plant type



  • H: 6"
  • W: 10"-12"

planting zones

  • 7a-9b

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Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer' plant details

Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer' is a broadleaf evergreen shrub with. In spring and summer pink flowers emerge. Grows well with sun and even moisture water. Does well in rich and well-drained soil.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer'

Plant type: shrub
Plant family: thelypteridaceae, thymelaeaceae
Mature size: 10 IN - 12 IN - wide, 6 IN tall
Flowers: pink blooms in spring and summer
Uses: fragrant, rare

GROWING CONDITIONS for Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer'

USDA Zones: 7a - 9b
Sun exposure: sun
Watering frequency: even moisture
Soil needs: rich and well-drained

Nursery contributed plant descriptions

A naturally occurring hybrid between D. Petraea and D. striata found in the Cima Tombea in Italy and originally introduced by Farrer almost a century ago. It is beautiful but finicky, often refusing to flower well. Robin White reports it occasionally dropping all of its leaves without warning in late summer although it usually recovers from this, flowers are a soft light pink with deeper tubes in clusters of 5-8; when grown well in a trough it is incredible.

Gardening facts about Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer' plant

How to Grow Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer'

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun
  • Soil Needs

    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture


  • Flower Season

    • spring
    • summer
  • Flower Color

    • pink
  • Foliage Season

    • evergreen
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