Daphne x hendersonii 'Rosebud' is a broadleaf evergreen shrub with green foliage. In spring and summer pink flowers emerge. Grows well with sun and even moisture water. Does well in acidic, rich and well-drained soil.
GROWING CONDITIONS for Daphne x hendersonii 'Rosebud'
USDA Zones: 5a - 8b
Sun exposure: sun
Watering frequency: even moisture
Soil needs: acidic, rich and well-drained
Nursery contributed plant descriptions
Margaret and Henry Taylor's 1991 introduction, Rosebud is bright reddish purple in bud opening to pale pink and fading to near white. Robin says it is finiky on it's own roots but it has been a good grower for us, doing far better on it's own roots than the graft we originally got from him.