How about you? I've had so many great plants that give me cheap thrills and chills. Plants that were easy and relatively inexpensive. Why then, do I not have said plants growing out there right now? Last week, I showed you my pot ghetto, and honestly, what's the big...
Hesperaloe parviflora: Articles from The Editorial Side
plants on the move + some
I sometimes hesitate to show before and after photos of my former garden. It's distressing for us gardeners to see the fruits of our love and labor laid to waste. Recently, though, I've been perusing old photos in consideration of my new garden. I was...
I’ve got yard and garden plans, sorta (pics added)
On the time moving quickly front, I've got plans up my sleeve that I'd love to implement this season. For me it's a matter of sorting out priorities, then figuring out which thing gets done first. I generally find if I just can get the ball rolling--a start anywhere...
We Interrupt this Winter for a Sun Break
Could you use a little break from cold wet winter weather where you are? We're approaching what I consider the "power through" part of winter in Portland. I get the winter doldrums later than some people, because I love it up through December, and clouds and rain feel...
and I called myself a foliage gardener
I bet I don't need to tell you, there are so many delights in the garden, it's hard to know which way to run. This greeted me when I opened the bedroom blinds yesterday morning. A dwarf Magnolia grandiflora loaded with blooms. It was here when we moved in, and I'm...
It’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day
It’s one of the best known meme’s for garden bloggers – the 15th of each month is given over to photographing (and sharing) what’s blooming in our gardens. Even a foliage lover like me can be seduced by a few flowers now and then. Flowers are fleeting, but foliage is...
The Hot Bed is Alive
Is it just me, or is everyone surprised beyond pieces that the garden resurrects each year? It's so exciting to see there are actually plants growing out there. I planted several Tetrapanx papyrifer this past fall that came from Ron Wagner before he moved to...
Is it Spring Yet?
Here it is, one day past Christmas, and I think it's almost Spring. Apparently, the weather gods have other ideas. Colder temperatures are forecasted this week, but it's a decent today. High overcast and an occasional peek of blue. I managed a quick garden stroll and...
10 plants that made me do a double-take
Some plants just require that you pull over for a closer look. These oddballs stopped me dead in my tracks. 1. In-ground Portland agaves Happy looking Portland Agaves are always worthy of closer inspection so we can try this at home. McMennamins joints have the...
Transplants and Hitchhikers Welcome Here
I’ve been meaning to count plants that made the move with me to Flamingo Park, but trying to do so with camera in hand is always a mistake. I’ve gone on that fool's errand at least two dozen times. Today, I put camera on counter and gathered paper in hand. On my way...