Last week I shared the spiky side of the Kennedy School gardens, but there is so much more to see! Walking the grounds is always a mix of checking in on old friends, to see how they're doing, and discovering new things. Sometimes I have a pretty good idea what they...
Echium pininana: Articles from The Editorial Side
August’s Last Hurrah
I've been holding out for rain, garden on pause. Avoiding the temptation of nursery visits. Averting my eyes to avoid confronting the sight of plants unquenched from my unreliable hose offerings. The weeds, they'll have to stay until the soil more willingly releases...
I Need a Thicket
Truth be told, I’m having trouble sticking with the Plan, big P plan. Oh, I’m weeding and shopping and planting, but I seem to be happiest muddling my way through without a blueprint. But see all that grass up there, I can do better. A...
Garden on the Rise
I lived in the Beaumont Wilshire neighborhood in Portland, Oregon, for 33 years. And like maniac gardeners everywhere, spent countless hours in the yard—planting, composting, attempting to eradicate the sins of my past. Bishop’s Weed. How did I not know? It says WEED...