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If you’re like me it’s that time of year when you’re kicking yourself for not having more hellebores in your garden. What’s wrong with me? Am I outta my ever loving mind? I’m also kicking myself for not having visited the annual open garden of Ernie & Marietta O’Byrne who spent 30 years creating the magical Winter Jewels Series of hellebores in Oregon. I’ve always wanted to go. I’m heartened to know that on their recent retirement they have handed off stewardship of their jewels to Little Prince Nursery who will be opening their doors to hellebore viewers down the road. In the meantime it’s a great time to both plant and enjoy these beautiful hellebores. True jewels!


close up of loose-petalled yellow flower edged in pink
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Rose Quartz’. Photo by Avant Gardens.

Shop Helleborus ‘Rose Quartz’

Close up of two peach blossoms.
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Apricot Blush’. Photo by Avant Gardens.

Shop Helleborus x hybridus ‘Apricot Blush’

Close up of pendulous flat white and green flower petals.
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Sparkling Diamond’. Photo by Terra Nova Nurseries.

Shop Helleborus x hybridus ‘Sparkling Diamond’


Close up of single nodding white flower edged in pink.
Helleborus x hybridus ‘White Pearl’. Photo by Avant Gardens.

Helleborus x hybridus ‘White Pearl’


Shop Winter Jewels Series Hellebores and all Hellebores on offer at plant lust.

Shop all hellebores