I garden in the Pacific Northwest zone 8b where so many plants are happy to set root. Here are a few favorite groundcovers. I call them all favorites–the way Babe the Pig’s mom calls them all Babe. So there’s that.

- Azorella trifurcata and Sempervivum scampering over the lava rock wall.
- Azorella trifucata and Sempervivums scampering over the lava rock wall.
- Seriously mat forming Azorella trifurcata. It’s springy.
1. Azorella is REALLY one of my favorites. It’s so springy when you touch. And though it looks prickly, it doesn’t bite at all.

2. And aren’t Sempervivums the best. They grow darn near everywhere and mingle nicely. I always mean to keep track of which is which. But I do not.
3. Hakonechloa aka Japanese Forest Grass

Japanese Forest Grass is fabulous as it fades too.

I don’t remember a lot of ornamental grasses in peeps gardens as a kid, but sure glad we see them now. So luscious. When they wave their little blade hands in the air, positively swoon-worthy.
4. Then Black Mondo Grass. LOVE this one too. You can tuck it in anywhere. It forms a nice colony. I have a big grouping out front, and thought I share bits now and then, I’m kind of attached to every glorious blade.

The photo above was taken in Gail Barnard’s. Lake Oswego, OR garden. Alas, she and her husband have moved to the Oregon Coast and started a brand new garden. Gail was kind enough to share many plants–and pottery–from her garden before she moved. Plant lusters all over the area are now enjoying a a bit of Gail’s former delights. (See more of Gail’s garden–and many other gems–in Private Gardens of the Pacific Northwest)

5. Another Ophiopogon that I love love love, and have had great success with is O. ‘Pamela Harper’. She seems happy here, there, anywhere–with a little shade and occasional water. So giddy when I come across her in a place I’d forgotten; but there she is, looking fantastic.

6. I could go on and on about ferns, but I still have so much to learn. And there are so many to talk about. This Ruffled Hart’s Tongue Fern is not bad, no?

Wishing you a wonderful fall, with many many groovy groundcovers.