Let’s all make some jazz hands for…GROUNDCOVERS! I know, I know, they may seem boring or like a filler, an afterthought, a placeholder for something more exciting.
But they can be a main attraction when they look as dazzling as the glowing and cascading variegated Japanese Forest Grass, Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’. Even the smallest garden can use some cascading out of pots, it adds a sense of movement and softness and is a great backdrop for dark foliage or flowers.


And another one for you charteuse lovers, the groundcover Selaginella kraussiana ‘Aurea’ creates shape and drama in its own way by acting as a soft, tufted mound. Cute and sculptural and a great underplanting for specimens you really want to highlight.
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Use Sempervivum ‘Hopewell’ as a groundcover for serious impact. With all its hot and cool tonal variations you can really have fun combining it with vivid reds or yellows.
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A star of the Winter garden, Phlomis russeliana is an attention-getter year-round but really shines in the skeletal cold. Combine with grasses for that dreamy Piet Oudolf meadow look.
Browse more groundcovers for all your needs from drought tolerant to chartreuse-folliaged on the site.