I was in the neighborhood, sorta, so it’s not really my fault. And look at these sweet plants.

It would have been criminal to leave them behind. And it’s not like I bought everything. I left a few things for other gardeners.

For instance, I did not buy this Fatsia. I already have two–and I only had a place for one as it was. I gave the other one to Megan. She had a space for it.

I’ve fallen for Crape Myrtles. Anyone else?

This Yuma Crape Myrtle was still available when I left the nursery. I already have it too. But I’m always confounding its name with L. ‘Zuni’. Thought snapping this shot would help me remember. This plant is a Floozy. Who said I don’t like fanciful flowers that much? Oh right. That was me. (Also, I have a friend with a cat named Zuma. So chances are, the correct name is never going to stick.)

I put the Yuma Crape Myrtle smack in the center of the round bed. I’ve moved a couple of other plants that I’d originally planted in the center. But this girl has probably staked her claim.
Oh, and one more Crape Myrtle–but for my neighbors’ yard. So that doesn’t count either. Their south-facing stucco wall is the backdrop to our front garden. And they put up with me.

L. ‘Pink Velour’ goes right in the corner near the house. Perfect, no?
So that’s all for now. Fingers crossed, we’ve got some real rain headed our way. It’s supposed to be perfect weather for planting. I’d love to hear about your latest shopping escapades. Any new acquisitions? Just be forewarned: I’m not above stealing your good ideas.
P.S. Fall PlantFest by Hardy Plant Society PDX is next weekend! It’s a good one. Don’t miss it if you live in the area.