A recent neighborhood walk led me to this fabulous garden in the making. I love it when a garden matches its building. It’s an excellent sign of things to come that the garden looks this good during the winter while the plants are young. This is going to be a year round garden, all evergreens and succulents. I’m looking forward to watching this one grow.
The yuccas (filamentosa?) look like they’ve been here a while. I’m glad they were saved. They’re so right with the building.
Spineless Opuntias tucked next to the porches are perfection. The color palette here is so good. The red, the gold, the muted greens of the plants, really nice. These are going to look great when they’re huge.

When this trio grows in, it’s going to be amazing. Metapanax (delavayi?), Trachycarpus (fortunei?), and Schefflera delavayi. The Metapanax might get a little too big, mine has lived up to its 10 footer potential, but if I can quote Sean Hogan, I never metapanax I didn’t like.
Good stuff is happening on the parking strips. A repeating theme of opuntias and evergreen shrubs. I can’t wait to see the manzanita grow up.
I’m not positive what these strappy plants are, but I’m hoping they’re Nolina, because they’re so gorgeous when they’re big and full.
I’m not sure what this golden plant is. Sage like leaves with Leonotis type flower remains? I’m stumped but intrigued.
Update: Thanks to Julie The mystery is solved. This appears to be a Phlomis aurea.
It made me smile to see a telltale plant tag from Cistus.
The back yard wasn’t left out. It has an inviting secret garden thing going, especially with that wrought iron gate. It’s a bit of a shadier palette but still planted with solid evergreen choices. Cast iron plants don’t get used in the ground often enough, in my opinion. They take on such a nice round almost agave like shape when they’re established.
The sunny butterscotch paint color is just as great as the plants. It’s hard not to think about summer looking at it.
So much inspiration here. I can’t wait to see how this view changes over the next couple years as the plants put on some size.