I espied a wee tree growing from a rock today, and I thought you’d want to see it. Can you imagine getting that to happen on purpose? I bet some of you can.
And then I wondered how many things like this I’ve missed. I found a few photos wherein I’d noted the encounter, but not nearly enough. Of course, the perfectly sited plant ain’t bad either. I’m just sayin’.

I guess weeds fall into this category too. But let’s just leave that alone for now.

I’ve shown you the ferns in the lava rock wall before, back dressed with moss and lichen. So fresh and green–and all, I’ll grow where I want to grow. Dammit.

I don’t think I’ve paid adequate attention to Mother Nature’s planting philosophy. Course correction to ensue.
How much inspiration do you take from what Ma does of her own accord? I’ve been seeing classes on fern tables lately. Hmmmm, cheek tap, I guess that’s what that’s about. No?