It seems a terrible oversight that Hamamelis aka Witch Hazel is not represented in my garden. And there are so many fab plants to choose from. Thusly, I seek to remedy this omission. I’d love to hear about your favorites.
The photo of this Witch Hazel is in a nearby neighbor’s yard was taken last February. I drove past yesterday, and it’s ready to burst into bloom.

They can get quite large, can’t they. Something to keep in mind when considering where to plant.

Gossler Farms offers many varieties and I bet those are coming into their own soon. It’d be a terrific time for a road trip. The Gosslers are in Springfield, Oregon, just across I-5 from Eugene. GO DUCKS! (Lest I offend any BEAVERS, I root for them too.)

Last October, I wrote about a visit to Gossler Farm. Below is a picture Roger’s dog, Benni. (I may be spelling the name wrong, but that pup is awesome.) Amy Champion of the World’s Best Gardening Blog recently visited Gossler Farms and wrote about it here. Her post includes a photo of Roger in front of one of his “favorites” Hamamelis ‘Jelena’ showing fall color.

I mentioned in my last post that I’m searching for inspiration. One of the books I’m re-reading is the Gossler Guide to the Best Hardy Shrubs. I generally race through the guide, skim reading and rushing to the next plant. I’m slowing down this time, and reading every word about the Witch Hazels. Honestly, you can’t read of the Gosslers’ love for them and not get Hamamelis lust.

Since I became familiar with Witch Hazels, Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’ has been a top pick. Great Plant Picks likes it too. I love the intense yellow flowers, and the fall foliage is terrific too, blazing reds and oranges.
Last winter, I had the lucky occasion to attend a seminar by Roger Gossler.

Roger claims each plant is his favorite, and I have every confidence that it’s true. I love that in a plantsperson.

No doubt I’m thinking more about winter-interest plants because of our unusually cold and snowy winter. But if not now, I’ll forget come bountiful spring.

Saturday, I passed up an opportunity to visit Joy Creek Nursery. They generously threw open their doors to local garden bloggers. I was in the middle of a painting project at home, adding a shade of yellow to the hallway–equivalent to the H. ‘Arnold Promise’ bloom.

Of course, when everyone starts posting about it, I’ll regret my decision. I told myself it’s too early to start buying plants, plus the painting project. But now that I think about, that’s crazy talk. It’s well worth a trip to Joy Creek any time, if only to stand in the bamboo grove.

In late breaking news, a post from The Rainy Day Gardener, Jennifer Gibson Dennis on Joy Creek. Who’s sorry now!
So how about you, is your plant lust list ready to go? I’m getting the feeling, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late…