Anita Barbey and Todd Liebow kindly opened their historic garden to Hardy Plant Society members this weekend. (Just join already. Months of fabulous garden tours and all for $35.) From the HPSO guide: The garden was designed and constructed for Lady Anne Kerr McDonald and her husband Sir James McDonald in 1940. It includes rare mature trees–Stewartia monadelpha, Trochodendron araliodies, Acer Griseum, Sciadopitys verticillata, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and Metasequoia gylpostroboides.
I did not take pictures of any of those things, because I forgot while looking down. And I was distracted by all the other gardeners I needed to talk with.
I can show you gorgeous green plants close to the ground. And I’m sure you’ll agree, some lovely luscious ones here. Foliage is the best, no?

That’s Amy Campion on the left–one of the gardeners I desperately needed to talk with. Amy writes “The World’s Best Gardening Blog.” She also published a terrific book, Gardening in the Pacific Northwest, with Xera Plantsman Extraordinaire, Paul Bonine. Amy probably knows the names of these plants. She’s a terrific gardener, not to mention, a modest soul.