I know they’re numbered, but in these last decent days of fall, there are some fine looking plants in the garden.
The shaded brick planter on the north side of our house has exceeded all expectations. It’s under the eaves, and needs to be watered year round, but I’m up to the challenge with stellar performers like these.

Splitting hairs: the west end of shade planter gets a decent amount of afternoon sun.

This happy Annemieke x Fatshedera is performing under the reprieved apple tree in the back shade garden.

Look, real olives on that tree. After minimal study, I’ve determined they’re purely decorative.

This lovely Rosemary is creeping toward the rock wall, soon to head over the cliff–just what I was hoping for.

I guess I planned this combination in the Sea of Juniper garden, but I’m still surprised by the fabulous results.

Hope I never rue the day I planted several Tertrapanax. They’re looking healthy, the lot of ’em.

I’m off for the annual Book Babes weekend. We’re going the McKenzie River this year. I swear, it seems like just yesterday we were at our beach retreat.
Here’s a sneak peek. More next week.

The years go clipping by at such a quick rate these days. When Megan was about 8, she told me that the years really do go faster, the older one gets; with each passing year, it’s a smaller percentage of your life. Thank you, Rose.