This time of year, it’s easy to find holy moments. Random, dashed-off shot can produce fabulous color-splashed scenes. I spend a lot of time swooning in the fall, and in the winter, and, let’s face it, in spring and summer too. You know.
A few happy shots for your perusal.

Closer, Let me whisper in your ear…

It’s amazing what you see when on foot, versus whizzing past in the car. I walked home from the auto repair shop the other day, some three miles, and on this occasion did not have Pumpkin along. But it did provide opportunity to take a few snaps without Punky yanking on the leash. Still, it felt strange. She’s been my long-distance walking companion for 12+ years. But lately I’ve cut back her walks to a mile or less–and that was before the latest development. More on that later.

Concordia University is a couple blocks from us, and though a commercial space, the gardens are pretty terrific.

And then a little closer to home, the back garden. I didn’t even realize this Arbutus unedo ‘Elfin King’ had fruited. I really have to clear out that space. It’s that darn Crocosmia. I keep saying I’m going to yank them, but then the hummingbirds beg me to let them stay, and who can resist that. Surely I can yank at least a few–or they’re going to eat the entire east-fence bed.

Amsonia hubritchii will forever be linked to my pesky broken shoulder and head smacking. I’d gone to visit a spectacular stand on my daily walk, and not only had the owner cut it to the ground just before its peak–after I’d mentioned to her that it would be glorious, no less. I got mixed up with the camouflaged bear-trap sidewalk just beyond. But that’s better now. Well, apparently–if I do my shoulder exercises forever. When I expressed indignation about the forever part, my physical therapist, Tasha, said, “Well, if you didn’t want it to be so hard, you should have broken a less complicated joint.” Touché, Tasha.

And some plants can’t resist a final bloom: Chinese Fringe Flower.

And my sweet Pumpkin. She’s always been a healthy dog, and even at 12 years, still has her good looks and gorgeous hair color. I should be so lucky. But jst a little over a month ago, she went suddenly blind. It’s a condition called SARDS, Sudden Acquired Retinal Degenerative Syndrome. We’re all adjusting, and she seems okay most of the time. Once in a while she gets tangled up on direction, but we’re learning new language to help her navigate. She’s learned “step up” and “step down” at curbs–because she still wants to go for her walk. And always the guard dog–she still sleeps by the front door so she can bark her head off when someone approaches.

Mister seems to know something is up, and he does his best to hang close to Pumpkin. She’s not always crazy about the idea–even when I tell her, “Pumpkin, Mister loves you so much.”
We’re all carrying on and learning as we go. Daily life with the animals is not that much different. I’ve had to give up leaving the vacuum lying around so I can chase animal fur at a moment’s notice–but I’m accustomed to hardship and I can do it. From here on out, no tripping hazards allowed.