Just saying, if you’ve got the shade and the zone, 6a-8b, grow this awesome plant. Podophyllum pleianthum aka Chinese Mayapple is big and splashy, and not the least demanding. Plant in moist organic soil–and then stand back and swoon.

Before I began gardening in earnest, it seemed impossible that I could grow something this Kapow! The picture above is current growth. Below is last year’s progression. Do you have plants that you once thought exotic beyond reach? Maybe it’s just the learning curve of a gardener, or at least this gardener. What I don’t know is a lot.

Subtle color change over time, from light to dark.

And because I can’t resist, a few more shots of this years growth.

Maybe that one leg is permanently lighter colored. I’ll keep an eye on it.

See what I’m saying. Podophyllum pleianthum is sinewy and gorgeous. Look at those little teeth along the leaf edge. Geeze Louise.

I’m getting dang giddy over the upcoming gardening season. So many Kapow! opportunities out there. How about you? What are you eyeing in the flashy plants department. We love to hear.