It might be the first time in history that I didn’t stab myself on this Yucca whipplei, but I was determined to snap photos and not sustain injuries–or pull weeds. It’s mushy in the garden. Even Pumpkin declined her invitation for a walkabout.

Several plants were holding their own, and it gave me heart. I’m always sure I’ve lost everything.

This Rogue Gem Manzanita was a stick in a 2″ pot when I got it. I transplanted it from the former garden, and it’s putting on new growth. It’s about 12″ X 14″ now.

I’ve lost track of this Agave species name, but I bet someone knows. Another transplant that’s looking okay.

I managed to keep my fingers out of the center of this Dasylirion, but it wasn’t easy. I need to get out there with long tweezer. Hope this guy makes it. Looks a little iffy.

The black mondo grass looks good. I keep thinking I’ll divide it. But it’s amazing how fast my intentions fade when it’s cold and wet.

Loving this little healthy sedum. It was a late fall addition from Xera Plants. Apparently, I did not record the name.

The Loquat has spots. Is that okay? I take it as a good sign that it’s holding onto its leaves.

Fingers crossed on the Shefflera. Weather gods, don’t fail us now.
- Rhodocoma capensis
- Farfugium aka Leopard Plant
- Arbutus unedo