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It might be the first time in history that I didn’t stab myself on this Yucca whipplei, but I was determined to snap photos and not sustain injuries–or pull weeds. It’s mushy in the garden. Even Pumpkin declined her invitation for a walkabout.

Pumpkin declined a garden stroll.
Pumpkin declined a garden stroll.

Several plants were holding their own, and it gave me heart. I’m always sure I’ve lost everything.


Arctostaphylos glandulosa 'Rogue Gem'
Arctostaphylos glandulosa ‘Rogue Gem’

This Rogue Gem Manzanita was a stick in a 2″ pot when I got it. I transplanted it from the former garden, and it’s putting on new growth. It’s about 12″ X 14″ now.



I’ve lost track of this Agave species name, but I bet someone knows. Another transplant that’s looking okay.


Dasylirion wheeleri
Dasylirion wheeleri

I managed to keep my fingers out of the center of this Dasylirion, but it wasn’t easy. I need to get out there with long tweezer. Hope this guy makes it. Looks a little iffy.


Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens'
Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’

The black mondo grass looks good. I keep thinking I’ll divide it. But it’s amazing how fast my intentions fade when it’s cold and wet.



Loving this little healthy sedum. It was a late fall addition from Xera Plants. Apparently, I did not record the name.


Eriobotrya japonica
Eriobotrya japonica

The Loquat has spots. Is that okay? I take it as a good sign that it’s holding onto its leaves.


Schefflera taiwaniana
Schefflera taiwaniana

Fingers crossed on the Shefflera. Weather gods, don’t fail us now.