I’ve got it. How about you? What’s are you pining for? My problem is remembering what I want in the face of so many temptations when I actually do make it to the nursery. I’m dazzled by the abundance. And, of course, the pesky brain injury, blah blah, no help there either. (In truth, I was a tad ADD before the smack to the head; now I’m ADD supersized. Every place feels like Powell’s Bookstore.) I so envy people who can keep it all straight.
I’m happy to see Phormiums showing up again in local nurseries. We got so gun shy the year we all lost them around these parts. That was a few years ago. Someone will remember the exact year. Hope you’re not tired of this picture from my former hellstrip–one of my all-time favorite combos, New Zealand Flax and Banana Canna. (That’s Gordon’s house in the background.)

I saw these at Garden Fever in PDX this week. Yay. Oh, they had identities, I just neglected to note. Next trip.

My Echium candicans ‘Variagata’ from last year are toast. But look at that structure. They were tough while they lasted.

And, look, so tiny when they started back in April 2016.

Look how big and robust in one season. There were no blooms since they didn’t make it to their second year. And generally I’m happy with foliage only, but the blooms on these guys–they’re very special. (Heads up on this link–if you’re offended by cute British lads swearing.)

Here are the backups waiting in the wings. They were $3.99 each. Some for me, some for Megan, and some for my neighbors–but my neighbors don’t know yet. Heh heh. (They said I can plant whatever I want, I swear.) Update: And credos to my partner Loree aka Ms. Divine Danger Garden. She found and reported the availability of these Echiums–and in fact, was the first to ever tell me about them. Yes! she said. You want this plant.

Maybe blooms next year. It could happen. Meanwhile, I’ll call them annuals in the bang-for-your-buck category.
One more plant for now. I’m dying for this Mahonia gracilipes. It’s one I have trouble pronouncing–but they know how over at Missouri Botanical Garden. Love that site.

And in bloom, oh lordy. (Think this is the exact plant months earlier. Pretty sure.) And in other updates, per Anna: No it is not the same plant. Apparently I’m lusting for two different Mahonias. I’m doing a bang-up job this week!

As you can see, my list is no where near organized. Where did the winter go when I was going to get this all done? The plantings below are at the Xera Nursery in PDX. Pretty good, no?

Xera also has this variegated Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’. I think I could use this one too.

But now, the sky is blue–and I have a million and one weeds. You know how that goes. I can lust list all I want. But no planting until weeding is done. Or maybe not.
