Don’t you love this time of year, that is if you’re not still buried in snow. I’m so sorry for those yet battling dastardly weather. We had a mild winter in the Pacific Northwest, and that means all manner of things are bursting from the earth.
Some people worry about the promiscuity of Euphorbia ‘Fen’s Ruby’, but I love this stuff–in spite of those wayward inclinations.

I happened to get outside at the apex of this Epimedium‘s bloom. It was cold and rainy that day, but if I’d recognized my perfect timing, I’d have worked a harder at a good shot–and maybe worn shoes instead of open-heeled slippers.

One more. Fabulous, don’t you think? Dang, I wish I’d gotten a more focused shot–and that I knew the variety. I’ve got the tag, somewhere.

I’d be remiss in not showing the fresh foliage of this Farfugium japonicum ‘Aureomaculatum’ just down the planter from the above plants.

I remember the first time I noticed Farfugium. It was in a bed at Portland Nursery on Stark Street. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I could grow such a marvelous plant. Isn’t’ that the greatest thing about gardening, all these miracles. Yes we can!
And because it’s that magic time of year, I ran through the garden willy nilly, snapping shots of plants that caught my eye. So here goes.

And at the Giant Fairy Bell’s feet, this sweet Strawberry Begonia. It hitchhiked from my Alameda garden, and I’m so glad.

If I was more disciplined, I’d do a whole post on Melianthus. It could happen. I planted a smaller version in my neighbors’ yard. Melianthus major ‘Antonow’s Blue’. Fingers crossed theirs blooms too. They’ve already given me the go-ahead to plant what I want, but I’d love to knock their socks off. Yes, I admit it: I’m a plant pusher.

Stachyurus salicifolia is scrumptious. And this plant is actually available to ship from as part of beta testing. How about that!

Look at this tiny stick of a plant, Magnolia laevilfolia, blooming to beat the band, settling the question of whether its an “early bloomer.”

I could go on and on, but I know you’ve got your own garden to ooh and aah over. One last picture of a plant that was here before I was. I should move it to a better location, a Pasque Flower.

Happy Hour appetizer for your consideration. Early evening appetizers as an avenue for more vegetables is working out. Try it, and let me know.

p.s. I meant to mention, the title line of this post is from a song in Megan’s grade school opera, Persephone. We sang heck out of all those songs during the rehearsal days, but this was our favorite.
Messenger, Messenger from morn till night
Come here, go there, fly with all you might.
Every day, on the go,
the messenger of kings.
All because I happened to be born with wings.