I love the texture.

I love the movement.

I love how they seed around.

For quite a spell (that’s what my dad, Clovis, would say it,) I never left a nursery without at least three grass-like plants in hand. I slowed down a bit in my last garden because it was so packed. And I had the benefit of the ever-so-promiscuous Mexican Feather Grass; it set its little wavy self all over the yard. Megan once asked how I kept them looking so fresh. So I explained my special horticultural technique: I yank them when they start looking tired. More will always appear, and I mean that in a totally good way.
And as added bonus, people cant can’t resist petting it. One neighbor always shaped it over and over into a ponytail while we stood talking. I kept expecting her to sneak back under cover of darkness with a stash of rubber bands.
- Attaches to Neighbors’ & still a ? mark at the juncture.
- Juniper limbs. It’s a jungle under there.
- Juniper Sea 12′ X 40′. Yes, on the other side of driveway too.
Meanwhile, I’d had in mind to do a Scott Webber-esque garden in the front of Flamingo Park Gardens, but since the Juniper excavation began in earnest, I seem headed down the Xeric succulent path, bolstered by a fabulous field trip last weekend to Little Prince of Oregon with garden bloggers extraordinaire Tamara, Loree, Amy, Jennifer, Laura, Jane, Ricki, Delen, Heather, and Megan. A big thank you to our most hostly host, Mark Leichty. (Did anyone note the punch recipe?)
Little Prince of Oregon Wares. The grass-like plant in back is Dasylirion quadrangulatum.

I’m trying to dream up a way to combine the two looks in some fashion. The front of the house is north-facing, with a distinct dividing line between sun and shade. That’s the great thing about gardening, no? There’s always a solution.
Your brilliant ideas are most welcome here.