Wildlife: Articles from The Editorial Side

The fauna to our flora, here we talk about our animal and bug friends (and foes!) in and around the garden. Who we’re trying to attract more of through creating an enticing habitat, and who we’d gladly buy a 1-way ticket for if we could only send them far away.

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017

As you may know, the garden is in a bit of disarray. So instead of plant pictures, we're sending along photos of some fine-feathered friends. This morning just as Bill and I headed out for a winter walk, I got the bright idea we should go look for herons to...

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obsessing over moss & lichen

obsessing over moss & lichen

I wanted to post about this season's gardening plans, but trying to sort it out became so overwhelming, I decided to show you pictures of  my lava rock wall instead. It's a much smaller space to consider, with incredible beauty manufactured all on its own. The wall is...

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Yellow Jacket Lessons Learned

Yellow Jacket Lessons Learned

The best laid plans. After too many months of my rain dances going ignored by the weather gods, the time had come to give my trees a long overdue hose soak before things got too crispy. Which meant creeping through paths I haven’t been down for a while. Which is how I...

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A Visit to the Butterfly Farm

A Visit to the Butterfly Farm

I've always been fascinated with caterpillars. I spent many hours searching for them when I was a kid, picking them up and watching them march across my hand. I've become more squeamish about holding them, but they're still a beautiful miracle. Somehow I made it to 40...

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