I recently spent a blissful hour at Portland’s Cargo Emporium, browsing through coffee table books. Nestled within the pages of Jackie Bennett's "The Artist's Garden: The Secret Spaces That Inspired Great Art," I found myself transported to the sun-drenched garden of...
Books: Articles from The Editorial Side
When circumstances don’t allow us to be out in the garden we’re often inside scheming and dreaming about them with a book. Here we share some of our favorite inspiration from our stacks, from the pure eye-candy to the dog-eared practical reference books.
a grand weekend out 2: Gossler Farms
It's taken me a while to get that I'm challenged when trying to talk, observe, and photograph in unison. This is not entirely new to my, uhm, imaginative brain style. But since my concussion, I'm further along on the continuum. Recently, one of my brain therapist...
Scleranthus uniflorus: a groovy groundcover
Last week, I was not on top of my plant identity game. I wish to rectify that problem post haste, if you don't count the week I waited to do it. And now that I've got it straight, I feel it's only fair to tell you: Scleranthus uniflorus is a terrific groundcover, and...
The Front Yard Food Revolution comes to my neighborhood
It's been quite exciting, watching new planter boxes go up all around me. For a couple of weeks it seemed every day's dog-walk yielded a new development. Then came the plants, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, strawberries, lettuces, kale...no wonder I'd come home hungry. Now...
Making connections
Last summer a small group of Portland garden bloggers played host to 80+ bloggers from around the world. It was a wonderful opportunity to show off our city and its amazing gardening community. In that group were the publisher and editor of my two favorite...
Inspiration on paper
Before blogs there were books. Or maybe I should say, before I read so many blogs I read a lot more books. I have mixed emotions when I look at the 3 nooks where I keep my unread garden-related books. There is excitement and anticipation, I can tell you when, where,...
Making new plants, aka propagating
My biz partner Patricia equates plant propagation with visiting a nursery… "buying plants, that’s propagation right?" Well truth be told that’s pretty much how I do it too. After all it’s a plant lust mission to support our contributing nurseries, a JOB requirement!...
Travel induced plant lust…
On the short list of ways I enjoy spending my time, and money, traveling comes right after buying plants. Or maybe they should be equal, because while traveling I can buy plants? Wherever I venture I make a point of visiting neighborhoods. Walking up and down streets...