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My gardening style

My gardening style

No not “garden style” as in modern, cottage, prairie, or any of those buzzwords. “Gardening style” as in how you go about it, or as Patricia wrote last week, “gardening by brain style.” Her words got me thinking about my own style. Patricia herself has often accused me of being organized, always having a plan. I think an hour or two of watching me work in the garden would quickly dispel that notion. (more…)

One Perfect Pot

One Perfect Pot

“Focal Point” and “Negative Space”…read anything on the topic of design and you’re likely to see those words. As I’ve visited, and photographed, other people’s gardens I’ve noticed how an empty container, placed just so, seems to act as both; a focal point and negative space. At least to my way of seeing, and of course it’s only negative space when it’s left empty, something I don’t seem capable of doing (see a pot = put a plant in it). (more…)

Silver plants: worth their weight in gold

Silver plants: worth their weight in gold

All the “how to” websites will tell you silver foliage is a great addition to the garden because it cools things down and plays nice with the hot colors. Then they go on to show photographs of plants that are actually grey, white or blue. I have nothing against those plants (they’re some of my favorites) but when I want silver I want shine… (more…)

A few of my favorite ground covers

A few of my favorite ground covers

I remember nervously sharing my garden with a famous friend, she was generous with the compliments and over the course of her visit took several photos, a few of which ended up in her book, Lawn Gone! One of her comments stuck with me, it was about how I’d paid attention to covering the ground. I hadn’t ever really stopped to think about it, it was just second nature. If you’ve planted something that leaves room under it to plant something else, then why the heck not take advantage of it, right? (more…)

Your garden, in words…

Your garden, in words…

I’m curious, have you ever been tasked with writing a description of your garden? On the surface it sounds simple, but then emotion gets in the way. All those things you see (they’re out there in the future, you can see them clearly), that others might not. You need to somehow put those into words. Plus there are probably things you want to explain, why you made the decisions you did. How a little sentimentality kept you from removing that ___ (fill in the blank with: clematis, rose, hydrangea etc…) which doesn’t really fit the garden plan.


It’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day

It’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day

It’s one of the best known meme’s for garden bloggers – the 15th of each month is given over to photographing (and sharing) what’s blooming in our gardens. Even a foliage lover like me can be seduced by a few flowers now and then. Flowers are fleeting, but foliage is forever (hopefully), and who hasn’t had a perfect, yet fleeting, romance?

I’ve participated in Bloom Day since April 0f 2009. That’s 6 years, or 72 posts, chronicling the blooms in my garden. Again this month I’m writing about what’s currently blooming in my garden over on my personal blog, but I thought it might be fun to take a look here back over some of my favorite blooms from the years. I know you haven’t got all day so I worked really hard to pare it down to just a few (ahem, a few dozen) of my favorites. I’ll keep the words to a minimum… (more…)

Plan B

Plan B

A combination of green and burgundy foliage is key to the look I want in my garden. The mix is relatively easy to achieve in the summer months, when dark foliage from deciduous, herbaceous and not-quite-hardy plants is everywhere. While there are still a few reliable performers for the cooler months I’m feeling like I may have maxed out that list, so I’ve recently been exploring another possibility. What about the plants that darken up when the weather turns chilly?


Friend or foe?

Friend or foe?

Has this ever happened to you? A plant shows up in your garden. You don’t remember planting it, and it’s not an obvious weed – in fact there’s a lot to like about this newbie. (more…)

Stopped cold by the foliage…

Stopped cold by the foliage…

Walking back to the hotel our first day in San Diego I spotted a tree that stopped me in my tracks. Instant plant lust! Never mind that I had no idea what I was lusting after.
by hotel 1

As I’ve written before travel induced plant lust is a malady I frequently suffer from. Identifying the new object of my affection becomes a game, will I spot it again…maybe in a nursery, or a botanical garden? Or perhaps a local gardener will walk by while I’m drooling, take pity on me and whisper the name in my ear? (more…)