holiday cheers from plant lust
Eriobotrya japonica aka Loquat
Boo, y’all.
I garden in the Pacific Northwest zone 8b where so many plants are happy to set root. Here are a few favorite groundcovers. I call them all favorites–the way Babe the Pig’s mom calls them all Babe. So there’s that.
I bought Firmiana simplex aka Chinese Parasol Tree as a wee plant and promptly put in the ground. I couldn’t see it behind the wall of Rhodocoma capensis out back by the fence, though figured eventually it’d be tall enough. Alas, when I did check, it had been eaten–all its big glorious leaves AND most of its stem–right down to a nub. Dang it.
Happy Carex Sparklers To You
Here we go. Snuggle up.
Don’t forget to vote.
Let Freedom Ring