My birthday is the Ides of March. So perchance you’ll forgive my proclivity to ignore warnings. Have you ever fallen head over heels with a plant despite other gardeners’ cautions? Tis indeed the case with Fen’s Ruby Cypress Spurge. I’ve got it bad for this little guy. But honestly, this is no Bishop’s Weed. I have never had anything but gushing admiration. It looks fabulous almost year round, adds lush texture, and it provides such a great counterpoint to the other plants. And in the unlikely occasion it wears out its welcome, it yanks with alacrity.

My Sparkling Burgundy Pineapple lilies got washed out looking this year. Have you had that happen? (Maybe fertilizer–which I never do. I just use compost.)

See how nicely it mingles with other plants. No weeds under there.

It’s a regular Norma Rae. Look how it unites its fellow plants.

And in bloom, it’s a thousand points of chartreuse lights.

And I do declare, I positively need to flutter my fan when I set eyes on E. ‘Fen’s Ruby’ snuggled up against Farfugium friends.

and more

So there, I’ve said it. I love Euphorbia cyparissisas ‘Fen’s Ruby’. And you might too, if you only gave it a chance.
Cheers, y’all.