Photo of Acer circinatum foliage by Walter Siegmund

Photo by Walter Siegmund

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Buy Acer circinatum

Also Known As

  • Vine Maple

Plant type

tree, shrub


  • H: 12'-20'
  • W: 15'-20'

planting zones

  • 5a-10a

8 to 12 inches tall - bare root | $10.1

Shipping flat rate $8.49

Fewer than 4 at Red Panda Nursery

12 to 14 inches tall - bare root | $11.69

Shipping flat rate $8.49

Fewer than 7 at Red Panda Nursery

1 gallon | $39

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41 at Forestfarm

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Acer circinatum plant details

Acer circinatum is a broadleaf deciduous shrub or tree with green foliage. In spring chartreuse and red flowers emerge followed by brown and red fruit. Attracts bees, beneficial insects and birds making it an excellent addition to pollinator gardens. Grows well with mostly sun - shade and even moisture - low water. Drought tolerant once established. Adapts to various soil conditions. Does well in acidic, average, clay, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant.


Plant type: shrub or tree
Plant family: sapindaceae
Foliage: deciduous green
Mature size: 15 FT - 20 FT - wide, 12 FT - 20 FT - tall
Flowers: chartreuse and red blooms in spring
Uses: bare root shipping available, fall color, multi-trunked, woodland garden

GROWING CONDITIONS for Acer circinatum

USDA Zones: 5a - 10a
Sun exposure: mostly sun - shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - low
Resistant to: humidity
Soil needs: acidic, average, clay, rich and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

The most gorgeous autumn colors of all the Northwest are those displayed by this marvelous little multi-trunked shrub/tree reaching 10-25'. Native to western North America, from British Columbia to Northern California, it is found growing prolifically in the Columbia Gorge. This tree is always with a touch of red about it: the new shoots, flowers calyx, twigs, seeds (samaras) and its blazing fall display. Usually found growing as an understory plant under much taller trees, it is extremely effective for use in the landscape as well! S-PSh/M
Western Vine Maple is basically an American equivilant to the Japanese Maple. It tends to grow as short multi-stemmed trees or large shrubs with small leaves in forested areas. The fall color is excellent with many shades ranging from bright yellow to deep red on the same tree. This is often the most colorful fall plant in western gardens.
Once established Vine Maples are fairly drought tolerant, but they grow much faster when given regular irrigation during dry months. Plants rarely need pruned to produce a beautiful form but you can encourage a tall, narrow tree by trimming back side branches. You can also encourage a shorter and fuller tree by pruning back the top lightly each winter.

On their own Vine Maples will tend to produce layered branching habits with tidy dark green leaves. Older trees reveal attractive bark and light colored stems.

Small light green leaves have pink-red margins. Fall colors are orange and red. A great dwarf vine maple!
A small, multi-stemmed or single-trunked tree. It is native to the moist woodlands of the Pacific Northwest, but will adapt to drier and sunnier locations. Will be more sprawling and vine-like in the shade and more bushy and dense in the sun. Green foliage turns an attractive reddish orange in the fall. Is usually availabile in multi-stemmed or single-trunked forms. Growth Rate 1-2' annually
Acer circinatum - Vine Maple is a favorite within the Bonsai Community. Considered to be one of the best native trees to the Northwest (USA) for the home landscape, and an important part of the Northwest forest Ecology, vine maple is widely enjoyed for its rugged growth habit, interesting bark coloration, and beautiful changing fall leaf colors.
A Pacific Northwest native, Vine Maple heralds the arrival of autumn as its colors light up the forest. Easy to grow in either clump or specimen form, it lends a pleasing accent to larger trees in a border planting and requires almost no care.
Vine maple grow to 12'x12' but easily adapted to espalier or container. It is prized for its graceful habit & fall color, a wonderful addition to a woodland garden & a nice alternative to Japanese maple. Lovely planted with Redwood Sorrel & native ferns. In shade it has more of a vine-like habit, climbing its neighbors. Vine maple is a cool plant that does best in moist, cool, part-shade. Native to California and is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America. Birds will like the seeds and dense foliage as a spot to rest. Several native groups used it as an aphrodisiac, the Chihalis people used the wood for various tools, and the Makah used the inner bark for basketry. Found in streambanks. Communitites located in Mixed Evergreen Forest, Redwood Forest, Yellow Pine Forest, wetland-riparian Between 0 and 5000 feet.
Vine Maple is a small maple which gets it common name because it will be vine-like when grown in the shade. The foliage turns orange to red in the fall. The seeds have red wings and are ornamental in summer. In the sun, the plant has an upright, shrubby growth habit. The plant is native to the Pacific Northwest
Native to the Pacific Northwest mountain ranges. Famous for its brilliant reds in fall. Colors are more yellow in hue at lower elevations.
New growth reddish color over green, very adaptable, tolerates moist soil. NW Native. Orange-red fall color. Zones 6-8.
Sought after for its fall color and drought tolerance, Vine Maples can reach 30' but most often settle for a shrubby 12' look. Zone 5
Native, sprawling, woodland maple, preferring moist shady spots to part sun, but withstands some drought. Hardier and faster growing than Japanese maples. Intense late summer to fall color. New Twigs are bright red in the sun. A beautiful and useful addition to the native garden. To 20-30 ft. Frost hardy in USDA zone 4 and above.
Native to the Pacific Northwest mountains but just as at home in gardens this versatile maple has a multi-stem open habit and yellow-orange fall tones. 12 ft tall.

Gardening facts about Acer circinatum plant

How to Grow Acer circinatum

  • Sun Exposure

    • mostly sun - shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - drought tolerant
  • Soil Needs

    • clay
    • acidic
    • adaptable
    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Flower Color

    • red
    • chartreuse
  • Wildlife

    • beneficial insects
    • birds
    • bees
  • Fruit

    • red
    • brown
  • Flower Season

    • spring
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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