Wimsettii Crested Cretan Brake Fern is an evergreen fern with green foliage. Grows well with dappled shade - shade and even moisture water. Does well in rich and well-drained soil.
CHARACTERISTICS OF Wimsettii Crested Cretan Brake Fern
GROWING CONDITIONS for Wimsettii Crested Cretan Brake Fern
USDA Zones: 8a - 10b
Sun exposure: dappled shade - shade
Watering frequency: even moisture
Soil needs: rich and well-drained
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Nursery contributed plant descriptions
Beautiful, arching mound of narrow green, thickly textured, lanceolate fronds with crested pinnae. Plant in filtered- low light in well drained, moist soil. Size: 1 to 2 feet Zones 8 to 10. Evergreen.