Manoa Green Mignonette Butterhead Lettuce plant details
Manoa Green Mignonette Butterhead Lettuce is a broadleaf deciduous annual / biennial fruit / vegetable with green foliage. Features glossy texture. Grows well with sun - mostly sun and even moisture - regular water. Does well in average, rich and well-drained soil.
CHARACTERISTICS OF Manoa Green Mignonette Butterhead Lettuce
GROWING CONDITIONS for Manoa Green Mignonette Butterhead Lettuce
USDA Zones: 1 - 12
Sun exposure: sun - mostly sun
Watering frequency: even moisture - regular
Soil needs: average, rich and well-drained
Nursery contributed plant descriptions
This compact Butterhead was developed in Hawaii to withstand some serious heat, while producing ultra-tender & tasty greens in no time at all & we say: Mahalo! Compact rosettes of glossy, bright green leaves can grow to 15” high - but it’s best to harvest whole heads when they weigh less than 1 lb., or pick off the individual, mild-tasting, smooth (= easy to remove dirt!) leaves, which will be salad-worthy as soon as 4-5 weeks from planting. Well-draining, uniformly moist soil is the key to success with this Lettuce, it’s perfect for the home gardener with limited space &/or the desire for a container veggie garden. This variety is in no hurry to bolt, but don’t hesitate to let one head of ‘Manoa’ go to seed - beneficial pollinators will flock to the flowers!
By: Annie's Annuals & Perennials
Gardening facts about Manoa Green Mignonette Butterhead Lettuce plant
How to Grow Manoa Green Mignonette Butterhead Lettuce