Nolina nelsonii x Dasylirion wheeleri plant details
Nolina nelsonii x Dasylirion wheeleri is an evergreen cactus / succulent with green foliage. Grows well with sun and occasional water. Does well in well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something verticillium wilt resistant.
CHARACTERISTICS OF Nolina nelsonii x Dasylirion wheeleri
GROWING CONDITIONS for Nolina nelsonii x Dasylirion wheeleri
USDA Zones: 7b - 11
Sun exposure: sun
Watering frequency: occasional
Resistant to: verticillium wilt
Soil needs: well-drained
Nursery contributed plant descriptions
Sent to us by plantsman Jeff Anderson these are the result of "traffic" between two plants in his garden producing a rather large, to 6 ft, rosette, of sparsely toothed leaves. We don't yet know what their variability would be but they should be of a more robust texture than the dasylirion and possibly faster growing. Best in full sun and pushed with a little summer moisture in summer dry places, avoiding ground that remains soggy in winter -- shouldn't we all?. Should be fully frost hardy to the single digits °F, USDA zone 7b.