
Annona muricata

Also Known As

  • Soursop

Plant type

tree, shrub


  • H: 8'-25'
  • W: 6'-20'

planting zones

  • 10a-12

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Annona muricata plant details

Annona muricata is a broadleaf semi-evergreen shrub or tree with green foliage. In spring yellow flowers emerge followed by green fruit. Grows well with sun - dappled shade and regular water. Does well in average, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something heat tolerant and humidity tolerant.


Plant type: shrub or tree
Plant family: annonaceae
Foliage: semi-evergreen green
Mature size: 6 FT - 20 FT - wide, 8 FT - 25 FT - tall
Flowers: yellow blooms in spring
Uses: edible, tropical-looking

GROWING CONDITIONS for Annona muricata

USDA Zones: 10a - 12
Sun exposure: sun - dappled shade
Watering frequency: regular
Resistant to: heat and humidity
Soil needs: average, rich and well-drained

Nursery contributed plant descriptions

The soursop tree is low-branching and bushy but slender because of its upturned limbs, and reaches a height of 25 or 30 ft (7.5-9 m). Young branchlets are rusty-hairy. The malodorous leaves, normally evergreen, are alternate, smooth, glossy, dark green on the upper surface, lighter beneath; oblong, elliptic or narrowobovate, pointed at both ends, 2 1/2 to 8 in (6.25-20 cm) long and 1 to 2 1/2 in (2.5-6.25 cm) wide. The flowers, which are borne singly, may emerge anywhere on the trunk, branches or twigs. They are short stalked, 1 1/2 to 2 in (4 5 cm) long, plump, and triangular-conical, the 3 fleshy, slightly spreading, outer petals yellow-green, the 3 close-set inner petals pale-yellow. The fruit is more or less oval or heart-shaped, some times irregular, lopsided or curved, due to improper carper development or insect injury. The size ranges from 4 to 12 in (10-30 cm) long and up to 6 in (15 cm) in width, and the weight may be up to 10 or 15 lbs (4.5-6.8 kg). The fruit is compound and covered with a reticulated, leathery-appearing but tender, inedible, bitter skin from which protrude few or many stubby, or more elongated and curved, soft, pliable "spines". The tips break off easily when the fruit is fully ripe. The skin is dark-green in the immature fruit, becoming slightly yellowish-green before the mature fruit is soft to the touch. Its inner surface is cream-colored and granular and separates easily from the mass of snow-white, fibrous, juicy segments—much like flakes of raw fish—surrounding the central, soft-pithy core. In aroma, the pulp is somewhat pineapple-like, but its musky, subacid to acid flavor is unique. Most of the closely-packed segments are seedless. In each fertile segment there is a single oval, smooth, hard, black seed, l/2 to 3/4 in (1.25-2 cm) long; and a large fruit may contain from a few dozen to 200 or more seeds. The soursop is truly tropical. Young trees in exposed places in southem Florida are killed by only a few degrees of frost. The trees that survive to fruiting age on the mainland are in protected situations, close to the south side of a house and sometimes near a source of heat. Even so, there will be temporary defoliation and interruption of fruiting when the temperature drops to near freezing. In Key West, where the tropical breadfruit thrives, the soursop is perfectly at home. In Puerto Rico, the tree is said to prefer an altitude between 800 and 1,000 ft (244300 m), with moderate humidity, plenty of sun and shelter from strong winds. Soil Best growth is achieved in deep, rich, well-drained, semi-drysoil, but the soursop tree can be and is commonly grown in acid and sandy soil, and in the porous, oolitic limestone of South Florida and the Bahama Islands.
In the same plant family as PawPaw, although not hardy, Soursop is a tropical fruiting tree that needs warm temperatures and high humidity to thrive. It can be grown as a potted plant while it's young but should be planted in the ground in a tropical zone if fruiting is desired as the tree can reach up to 25' tall. Soursop is a bushy, low-branching tree with 4" x 2" oval leaves. You can prune the central leader of the tree to create a full, dense specimen. Similar to Jaboticaba, the flowers and fruit emerge on the trunk and branches. The Soursop fruit is heart-shaped and covered with a spiny skin, and it often weighs up to 10 pounds or more. The inner pulp is soft and custard-like with a tart flavor.

Gardening facts about Annona muricata plant

How to Grow Annona muricata

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - dappled shade
  • Water Needs

    • regular
  • Soil Needs

    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • heat tolerant
    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Flower Color

    • yellow
  • Fruit

    • green
  • Flower Season

    • spring
  • Foliage Season

    • semi-evergreen
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