Photo of Acer palmatum foliage by Far Out Flora

Photo by Far Out Flora

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Acer palmatum

Also Known As

  • Green Japanese Maple
  • Japanese Maple
  • Smooth Japanese Maple

Plant type



  • H: 15'-30'
  • W: 15'-30'

planting zones

  • 5a-9b

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Acer palmatum plant details

Acer palmatum is a moderate-growing broadleaf deciduous tree with green foliage. Attracts beneficial insects and birds. Grows well with sun - mostly shade and even moisture - regular water. Does well in acidic, average, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant.


Plant type: tree
Plant family: sapindaceae
Foliage: deciduous green
Mature size: 15 FT - 30 FT - wide, 15 FT - 30 FT - tall
Uses: fall color, small tree

GROWING CONDITIONS for Acer palmatum

USDA Zones: 5a - 9b
Sun exposure: sun - mostly shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - regular
Resistant to: humidity
Soil needs: acidic, average, rich and well-drained

Nursery contributed plant descriptions

A beautiful, rounded, small tree with deeply lobed, palmate leaves which cast a lacy shade, coloring orange to scarlet in fall; a favorite for bonsai, and the parent species of many cultivated varieties. S-PSh/M
Japanese Maples are very popular because of their unique foliage and intricate branching patterns. The leaves are colorful in both the spring and fall, and in the summer they provide a pea green color that is difficult to find in other trees. Trees establish relatively fast but don't grow so fast that they need frequent pruning, making this an excellent low maintenance plant.

Japanese Maples typically look best when they are planted in a location that provides morning sun but some afternoon shade, especially if the afternoon shade is dappled. Don't plant these in boggy conditions as they grow best when their roots are allowed to dry out a bit between being watered. Pruning should be done either in mid-summer or during the winter for best results, and a slow release fertilizer should be applied in early spring. Applying fertilizer or pruning too late in the summer encourages late season growth that is less cold hardy and likely to freeze back anyway.

There are some very interesting varieties of Japanese Maples that go above and beyond regular seedlings, you can find more Japanese Maple varieties here.

Green Japanese Maple is an upright tree that is grown from seed. Exquisite small tree with artistically branched stems form a rounded crown. Deeply lobed, light green leaves have great color throughout the year. Beautiful red and orange fall color. Green Japanese Maple is usually used for rootstock to graft named cultivars onto. These are seedling grown trees. This is not a grafted cultivar. Scientific Name: Acer palmatum USDA Zone: 5 - 8 Average Height: 20' - 25' Average Width: 20' - 25' Sun Exposure: Full sun to part shade Japanese Maple Planting/Care Instructions Before planting, have your soil tested to see what amendments are needed. Click this link to check your frost dates: Frost Dates. Choose the right time of the year to plant according to your zone. When you receive your tree, soak the root ball in water for 20 minutes upon arrival before planting or potting. Gently break up the root ball. This will help the roots of the tree to grow out into the soil. Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of your tree. Fill in the hole tightly with soil to avoid any air pockets. Plant your maple with the root flare above the soil line. Japanese maples planted in the ground generally do not need fertilizer. Container grown maples can use a bit of slow-release fertilizer. However, variegated cultivars should not be fertilized. Be sure to water your trees. In addition, pull weeds out when they appear. They take nutrients from the soil. Young grafted trees will continue to have new growth on the rootstock for several years. If new buds or branches develop on the rootstock, remove them before they grow larger. If a larger branch develops, use sterile pruners to remove. Prune trees as needed to encourage growth. Always sterilize your pruners.
Lovely deciduous tree which is the "species" of the 'Japanese Maples'. The green leaves will not fade in the summer, and fall color is outstanding. Often overshadowed by its colorful couterparts which is unfortunate beacuse it is a handsome addition to any landscape. Growth Rate medium
This is the straight species as it appears in it's native habitat. From it has come thousands of named cultivars gracing landscapes throughout the world. Small, palmate leaves are green, some with a red overlay, throughout the growing season. In fall colors range from yellow to red.
Acer palmatum Green Japanese Maple Trees. These trees are grown from seed, making them extremely popular for bonsai. These are also widely used as grafting understock for named Japanese maple varieties. If planted in the ground, these will grow into 20'+ tall specimens. Fall colors will usually be orange or red.
Acer palmatum Japanese Maple Seedling. Parent to all Acer palmatum cultivars. Vigorous green upright fall color is red. Great for Bonsai.
With its delicate foliage, small crown, and naturally artistic form, it creates an Asian effect in any garden. Fall colors are inspiring in their brilliance. With their refined character, unlike grafted varieties, healthy specimen trees of seedlings seem to always be in short supply. Our pot-grown seedlings have been kept totally protected from frost to ensure that your rootstocks are free of Pseudomonas (black stem) blight.
A quick growing small deciduous tree with small finely dissected leaves, bright pink spring growth and fiery red autumn colour. Easily grown in a sheltered, not too dry, lightly shaded position. Will suffer from leaf burn over summer but enjoyable most of the year for sheer grace and beauty of form.Under plant with moss and spring flowering Cyclamen coum for postcard perfection.

By: Zephs

An Almost Eden exclusive! This green-leaved Dwarf Japanese Maple has proven to be quite tolerant to shaping and pruning and the hot Southern Summers even in Full sun! Reliably provides fall colors of glowing orange, reds, and yellows, even in zone 8B. Reddish bronze new growth develops into a soft green. Our tree is kept pruned into a bowl-cut form and is about 8'H x 10-12'W.
Green leaves turn red, orange, gold or a combination of those colors in fall. USDA zones 5-9.
These are pretty typical green palmtums. As you can see there is a difference in color and when in the fall they assume their colors. All here are about 12' (some do get larger), and most branch low. zone 5

Gardening facts about Acer palmatum plant

How to Grow Acer palmatum

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - mostly shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - regular
  • Soil Needs

    • acidic
    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Wildlife

    • beneficial insects
    • birds
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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