Photo of Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' foliage by plant lust

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Buy Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'

Also Known As

  • Golden Full Moon Maple
  • Japanese Golden Full Moon Maple

Plant type



  • H: 12'-15'
  • W: 15'-18'

planting zones

  • 5a-9b

2 gallon bagged root ball | $101

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Fewer than 29 at Gossler Farms

2 inch wide, 4-6 inch deep tube | $34.95

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Fewer than 7 at Forestfarm

#1 Container | $54.99

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Fewer than 20 at Conifer Kingdom

Specimen #1967 | $1650

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Fewer than 1 at Conifer Kingdom

Specimen #2242 | $925

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Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' plant details

Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' is a broadleaf deciduous tree with chartreuse and gold foliage. Attracts beneficial insects and birds. Grows well with mostly sun - shade and even moisture - regular water. Does well in average, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'

Plant type: tree
Plant family: sapindaceae
Foliage: deciduous chartreuse and gold
Mature size: 15 FT - 18 FT - wide, 12 FT - 15 FT - tall
Uses: bonsai, container plant, fall color, small tree

GROWING CONDITIONS for Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'

USDA Zones: 5a - 9b
Sun exposure: mostly sun - shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - regular
Resistant to: humidity
Soil needs: average, rich and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

Golden Full Moon maple. We have sold this glorious small tree for 40 years. Our biggest plant is 12' tall and has nice golden leaves all summer turning yellow in fall. Does best with afternoon shade.
The foliage of this prized Full Moon maple virtually glows throughout the season. Especially in a site with filted light, the fan-shaped leaves emerge bright yellow in spring, then gradually soften to yellow-green, a color that holds all summer. In fall,
Aureum Japanese Maple is commonly known as Golden Full Moon Maple.  Aureum is a stunning, slow growing Shirasawanum maple that lights up any shady spot with brilliant yellow-green color all season. Fall colors are orange and red. Aureum Japanese Maple needs protection from intense afternoon sunlight.
A stunning yellow-leaved form of the fullmoon maple, showy bright yellow foliage (sometimes edged with red) in spring, gradually darkens to yellow-green by summer before turning brilliant shades of orange-red-tinged purple in fall, its lovely red samaras also contrast well with the foliage. S-PSh/M
The common name for this cultivar is ‘Golden Full Moon Maple’ an older cultivar in the same genus as the Autumn Moon Maple [Acer shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’ and the new shirasawanum cultivar ‘Moonrise’]. Additionally, shirasawanum maples can be identified by looking at the flowers and subsequent seed pods [samaras]. If they point up rather than hang down then it is a shirasawanum maple – palmatum species hang down. A small to medium sized tree with wonderful color throughout the growing season. The new sprimg growth is an exquisite lime green. Summer color is a golden yellow-green with a tinge of red along the edges of each leaf. Fall color is gold to orange to crimson evolving on all the leaves. The Golden Full Moon Maple is a spectacular tree though very slow growing. Recommended sun exposure is in the morning with some shade protection in the hot afternoon sun. Fall colors are some of the best ranging from gold to orange to crimson often on each individual leaf. This cultivar is highly desired for a smaller partial shade garden. Placement in either a Northern or Eastern location would be best. Aureum is an extremely slow grower and may reach 6′ in 10 years. Once established hardy to -20, USDA Zone 5.

By: Eastfork Nursery

Highly regarded for its beautifully shaped and colored leaves. A small garden tree with yellow leaves, turning yellow-green throughout the summer, then a refreshing gold edged in red in fall. To avoid burning or negative effects on the coloring, this maple should be planted in partial shade.
Known as the "Golden Full Moon Maple." Highly prized in gardens worldwide. Fall colors are very striking with leaves orange and red.
'Aureum' is a spectacular tree that brightens up any shade garden with its amazingly yellow leaves. This yellow gradually turns yellow-green to medium green in summer. This cultivar can withstand full sun with very little scorch, although the foliage retains the yellow better in partial shade. Another splendid display occurs in fall of orange and red tones. This magnificent tree can grow to 16 feet in 10 years.
This tree must be seen to be appreciated! Everyone who sees one, wants one! This yellow leaved form is highly prized. The spring foliage is bright yellow-green changing to medium green in the summer. Fall colors are spectacular, varying from orange through red and occasionally with purple blends. This variety is also used in bonsai culture.
Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' Golden Full Moon Maple is a slow growing, upright deciduous tree. Spring colors come out yellow and green shades and hold color well through summer. Autumn colors are striking tones of orange and yellow.
Always popular for its relatively small stature, but susceptible to leaf scorch if it is not sheltered from late afternoon sun. Difficult to propagate, so somewhat hard to find among more widely available Japanese maples in the trade.
The Golden Full Moon Maple is one of the most desirable but least available of the Japanese Maples. The large orbicular leaves are yellow-green to chartreuse, and they light up a dark spot in the garden. Growth habit is slow, and the plants are shrub sized for most of their early years. 6' tall in ten years. Excellent fall colors of orange to red. Awards: First Class Certificate & Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society.

By: Fantastic Plants

One of the most prized of the ''Japanese'' maples, but one of the hardest to get. Somewhat difficult to propagate, it grows slowly and burns in the sun because of the golden foliage, but worth the trouble in a filtered-sun location.
Golden Full Moon Maple is a classic slow growing form of Japanese Maple that needs a partial to quite shady location in the garden. The glowing chartreuse leaves are distinctively rounded with 9-13 lobes. It will ultimately form a rounded specimen 20' in height and 12-15' in width. 3' plants for spring shipping.
Lovely full moon maple with a similar habit to that of Acer circinnatum, the vine maple, but more tolerant of sun -- all but full afternoon sun -- with delicate golden leaves that tint orange then become vibrant orange in autumn, the tree growing to 8-10' in time. Decent drainage and regular summer water for best appearance. Frost hardy in USDA zone 6.
Broad, bushy, and branching low, 'Aureum' has rounded, palmate, soft golden-yellow leaves, red-tipped in spring. Red-purple corymbs bloom early replaced by upright red samaras in floral-looking clusters -- with the leaves, a ravishing, visually buoyant combination! Protect from hot sun.

Gardening facts about Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' plant

How to Grow Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'

  • Sun Exposure

    • mostly sun - shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - regular
  • Soil Needs

    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • gold
    • chartreuse
  • Wildlife

    • beneficial insects
    • birds
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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