
Sinojackia rehderiana

Also Known As

  • Jack Tree
  • Jacktree

Plant type

tree, shrub


  • H: 15'-20'
  • W: 15'-20'

planting zones

  • 6a-10b

Sinojackia rehderiana plant details

Sinojackia rehderiana is a broadleaf deciduous shrub or tree with green foliage. In spring white flowers emerge. Grows well with sun - mostly sun and regular water. Does well in average soil.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Sinojackia rehderiana

Plant type: shrub or tree
Plant family: styracaceae
Foliage: deciduous green
Mature size: 15 FT - 20 FT - wide, 15 FT - 20 FT - tall
Flowers: white blooms in spring
Uses: fall color

GROWING CONDITIONS for Sinojackia rehderiana

USDA Zones: 6a - 10b
Sun exposure: sun - mostly sun
Watering frequency: regular
Soil needs: average

Nursery contributed plant descriptions

The snowdrop-like flowers and smaller-statured head are what bring Jack tree into the limelight. We believe this uncommon tree makes a tough and beautiful addition to the vast line-up of small flowering trees perfect for gardens in the Southeast (our clay and climate may be tough, but our plant pallet is awesome!). The yellow fall color was quite nice this last fall of 2017. It's not too picky about soils, but it must have an acid pH and be watered regularly until its roots penetrate the surrounding soil. Then we've found it to be quite drought AND heat tolerant in Zone 8a. We read it's heat tolerant down to zone 10b, but have not directly seen that for ourselves. We'd love to know about more about heat tolerance, so send or post a note. Jack tree is a member of the Styracacea family. That means Sinojackia rehderiana is related to Styrax and Halesia trees. If you know those trees, you can envision this tree covered in similar-but-different flowers. The pictures show these flowers and how they appear at the same time the leaves are coming out (the floral display is by no means diminished by this trait).

By: Cutting Edge Plants

Gardening facts about Sinojackia rehderiana plant

How to Grow Sinojackia rehderiana

  • Soil Needs

    • average
  • Water Needs

    • regular
  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - mostly sun


  • Flower Season

    • spring
  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Flower Color

    • white
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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