Mammillaria petterssonii is an evergreen cactus / succulent with. In spring pink flowers emerge. Grows well with bright shade and regular - low water. Drought tolerant once established. Does well in well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something verticillium wilt resistant.
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Nursery contributed plant descriptions
Compact Mammillaria Petterssonii is a solitary cactus with a 4.8-inch green stem, woolly axils, and 3-angled tubercles. Boasting 6-7 long central spines, 10+ radial spines, and charming pinkish-red to white flowers.
Can grow outside in pots in warmer months, protect from extreme sun and temps under 30?. Light Shade. Pink Flowers with darker stripe along the axis of the petal. Indoor.
aka Anhalonium fissuratum, Ariocarpus fissuratus subsp. fissuratus, Mammillaria fissurata, Roseocactus fissuratus, Cactus, Chaute, Chautle, False Peyote, Living Rock, Living Stone Cactus, Peyote Cimarron, Star Rock, Sunami