Photo of Pilea peperomioides by Husky

Photo by Husky

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Pilea peperomioides

Also Known As

  • Chinese Missionary Plant
  • Chinese Money Plant

Plant type



  • H: 6"-18"
  • W: 15"-18"

planting zones

  • 10a-12

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Pilea peperomioides plant details

Pilea peperomioides is a broadleaf evergreen perennial with green foliage. In spring and summer white flowers emerge. Features glossy texture. Grows well with bright shade - shade and regular water. Does well in average, gritty and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Pilea peperomioides

Plant type: perennial
Plant family: urticaceae
Foliage: evergreen green
Mature size: 15 IN - 18 IN - wide, 6 IN - 18 IN - tall
Flowers: white blooms in spring and summer
Uses: container plant, easy-to-grow, houseplant, year-round-interest

GROWING CONDITIONS for Pilea peperomioides

USDA Zones: 10a - 12
Sun exposure: bright shade - shade
Watering frequency: regular
Resistant to: humidity
Soil needs: average, gritty and well-drained

Nursery contributed plant descriptions

Hot, trendy HOUSEPLANT! Round, Lotus-like, waxy, succulent leaves on longish stems pinwheel out from a central clump. Leaves can grow to 3” wide and plants make easy indoor plants. Bright, indirect light and moist (but not wet) soil are the secret to success. If happy, pups will appear at the base and can be pulled way, potted and given to plant loving friends! They can lounge outdoors in a bright, shaded spot during the warmer months.
Pilea peperomioides is an unusual Peperomia plant that displays very long leaf petioles ending in a shiny, green round leaf (think Lilypad). An upright stalk habit allows the leaves to droop down. Easy to grow in home conditions. Chinese Money Plant is an easy care house plant or Summer patio plant. Plant in pots using a well-drained, humus-rich soil. Water moderately. Pinch the tip of the main stem to promote side shoot development. Protect from frost!
The Nettle Family has not offered many ornamental plants until now: Pilea peperomioides. Known as Chinese money plant or pancake plant, the round fleshy leaves held outwards on stems that join the leaf near its middle makes it a unique and sought-after houseplant. Pilea is also said to be good luck and to attract money into your life! They are easy to care for in normal household conditions in a moderate to somewhat shady light. Still quite rare, we are pleased to be able to finally offer this cool plant to our customers in Vancouver and the rest of Canada.
Has waxy round coin shaped, leathery dark green leaves surrounding an unpright reddish central stem. Mature leaves up to 3" in diameter, sprays of white flowers periodically. Spreads by basil shoots. Likes light shade to bright indirect light. Native to western Europe. Great interior plant, easy.

Gardening facts about Pilea peperomioides plant

How to Grow Pilea peperomioides

  • Soil Needs

    • average
    • well-drained
    • gritty
  • Water Needs

    • regular
  • Sun Exposure

    • bright shade - shade
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • green
  • Flower Color

    • white
  • Foliage Season

    • evergreen
  • Flower Season

    • spring
    • summer
  • Texture

    • glossy
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