Mature size: 15 FT - 30 FT - wide, 25 FT - 50 FT - tall
GROWING CONDITIONS for Olea europaea 'Oblonga'
USDA Zones: 9a - 10b
Sun exposure: sun
Watering frequency: regular
Soil needs: well-drained
Nursery contributed plant descriptions
Superb olives with a high content of top-quality oil make this a highly valuable tree, add to that roots with a high resistance to Verticillium (root rot) to really make this silver-leaved 25-50' tree a treasure. Once thought to be a chance seedling from Corning, California in the 1940's, research suggests that this is truly the same cultivar as Frantoio, Italy's main variety! Olives are perfect plants for creating Mediterranean landscapes. S/M/GDr