Photo of Acer palmatum 'Orangeola' form by Conifer Kingdom

Photo by Conifer Kingdom

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Buy Acer palmatum 'Orangeola'

Also Known As

  • Acer palmatum dissectum 'Orangeola'
  • Orangeola Japanese Maple
  • Orangeola Weeping Japanese Maple

Plant type

tree, shrub


  • H: 7'-8'
  • W: 6'-7'

planting zones

  • 6a-9b

1 gallon bagged root ball | $111

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30 at Gossler Farms

#1 Container | $44.99

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Fewer than 20 at Conifer Kingdom

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Acer palmatum 'Orangeola' plant details

Acer palmatum 'Orangeola' is a moderate-growing, slow-growing broadleaf deciduous shrub or tree with bronze, purple and red foliage. Flowers are not showy, but nurture a healthy ecosystem as wildlife habitat. Attracts beneficial insects and birds. Grows well with sun - mostly shade and even moisture - regular water. Does well in average, rich and well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant.

CHARACTERISTICS OF Acer palmatum 'Orangeola'

Plant type: shrub or tree
Plant family: sapindaceae
Foliage: deciduous bronze, purple and red
Mature size: 6 FT - 7 FT - wide, 7 FT - 8 FT - tall
Uses: border plant, container plant, fall color, small tree, woodland garden

GROWING CONDITIONS for Acer palmatum 'Orangeola'

USDA Zones: 6a - 9b
Sun exposure: sun - mostly shade
Watering frequency: even moisture - regular
Resistant to: humidity
Soil needs: average, rich and well-drained

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Nursery contributed plant descriptions

Lace leaf that is purple foliaged all summer. The new growth has an orangish color through the summer.
This fantastic red laceleaf Japanese maple has a refined, cascading habit and long-term seasonal interest. Spring leaves emerge bright orange-red, then turn burgundy-green by summer. A second flush of summer growth repeats the bright spring show and produ
During the summer, the bright red new growth of this vigorous cut-leaf maple contrasts with its dark-green older leaves making it look like a Christmas tree! Its bright orange-red fall leaves last well after others are gone. S-PSh/M
Orangeola Japanese Maple is one of the fastest growing dissectums, but still does not get very tall due to the fact that it is also one of the most pendulous maples.  The lacy foliage begins in spring with orange and red tones, turning to reddish-green in summer before putting on a show of fiery oranges and reds in fall. A beautiful weeping dissectum, Orangeola Japanese Maple is a stunning compliment to weeping green Japanese maples such as Viridis!
One of the most outstanding lace leaf weepers to be introduced 25 years ago -Acer palmatum dissectum Orangeola. Spring color is bright orange-red. Orangeola is a vigorous grower, but is still considered a smaller lace leaf than some reds, such as Inaba shidare. A medium sized weeper with wonderful color throughout the growing season. The new growth ranges in color from light green to orange with more sun. Summer color tones are bold from green to orange. Then in late summer another flush of new growth shows more red orange and the finale’ is scarlet red. Recommended full sun to show its orange colored leaves. This variety can take hot afternoon sun with adequate moisture. Estimated height in 10 years is 5 -6′ tall and wide. Once established hardy to USDA zone 5.

By: Eastfork Nursery

Spring brings bright orange-red new leaves maturing to red-green with orange highlights. Brilliant orange-red in fall. A real "eye catcher". Typically grows taller than wide.
This cultivar has a dense mounding habit, with orange new growth that turns dark green in mid summer. The second flush is more orange and contrasts wonderfully with the older dark green foliage. Fall color is a bright orange-red. Growth Rate slow
'Orangeola', one of the most outstanding cascading dissectums, flushes a bright orange-red color in spring before turning a rich red-green for summer. Fall color is a fiery orange making this a distinguished focal point in any garden. This laceleaf Japanese maple can be trained to reach a height of 6 feet.
One of the best lace-leaf Japanese Maples! The leaves emerge bright orange-red in the spring. In summer the leaves turn a rich red-green, still with an orange tint. The tree continues to push out new orange-red growth during the summer months, which contrast beautifully with older leaves. Fall is an outstanding display of fiery orange-red.
This is a red lace-leaf, but the new leaves start out orange-red, and then become red as they mature. It is more weeping than most selections in its group and has more color changes, orange to red to dark greenish red and back to bright red-orange in the fall.
Dissectum Group -red ? (Shown in fall above) A very recent introduction to the weeping cutleaf maples, this cultivar is vigorous and displays outstanding colors in orange-red tones during both spring and fall. Orange hints highlight the summer leaves. One of the strongest weeping trees in the disectum group. This tree is new, very rare, and much in demand. Will grow 3-4? in ten years. Awards: Award of Merit at Boskoop, The Netherlands.

By: Fantastic Plants

The foliage of this delicate Maple emerges solid red and matures to rich green with a definite red edge. A beautiful selection and an Almost Eden exclusive introduction!
New foliage orange-red fades to red-green, then fiery orange red fall. USDA zones 5-9
This cultivar was selected here in the Willamette Valley and it is worthy of its name. It is the last of the palmatums to change color so its bright orange color remains after most other trees are bare ruined choirs. Zone 5.
Orangeola is a lovely introduction with finely dissected leaves, cascading habit and orange red spring color which gradually becomes more green, especially in the shade, as the summer goes on. The fall color brings a return of fiery blends in orange and red. Usually grows more tall than wide, around 8' by 6', unless pruned at a young age to stay low. 30-36" plants for spring shipping.
DISSECTUM, red. One of the better introductions to the group of maples with deeply cut leaves and weeping habit, this one has a glorious orange color. Spring growth is orange-red, and summer leaves maintain a wash of orange coloration over rich green. As an added bonus, there is a good second growth in midsummer, which again shows the orange new foliage. The two toned summer color gives way to spectacular bright orange-red in fall. Somewhat more upright than many in its category, with draping branches that form an appealing structure. The height will depend on how high the plant is staked as it grows.

By: Greer Gardens Inc.

Gardening facts about Acer palmatum 'Orangeola' plant

How to Grow Acer palmatum 'Orangeola'

  • Sun Exposure

    • sun - mostly shade
  • Water Needs

    • even moisture - regular
  • Soil Needs

    • average
    • well-drained
    • rich
  • Special Situation

    • humidity tolerant


  • Foliage Color

    • red
    • bronze
    • purple
  • Wildlife

    • beneficial insects
    • birds
  • Foliage Season

    • deciduous
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